Digimon Frontier: Kodai Digimon Fukkatsu!! - Anime MagZuNet

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Digimon Frontier v

Anidb id: 2528

Digimon Frontier: Kodai Digimon Fukkatsu!!

Type: Movie
Show start: 2002-07-20
Show Ended: 2002-07-20
Episodes: 1
Runtime: 45
Rating: 3.77
shounen, target audience, themes, original work, new, game, proxy battles


The five digi-destined children stumble upon an ancient island inhabited by two different types of digimon; The Beast types, and the Human types. When they see two young digimon-a beast and humanoid-have become friends, they decide something must be done about the feud. Source: ANN

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Main Characters more

Kanbara Takuya
Gender: male
Rating: 8.22
Voiced by
Takeuchi Junko

Minamoto Kouji
Gender: male
Rating: 8.89
Voiced by
Kamiya Hiroshi

Himi Tomoki
Gender: male
Rating: 1.85
Voiced by
Watanabe Kumiko

Orimoto Izumi
Gender: female
Voiced by
Ishige Sawa

Shibayama Junpei
Gender: male
Voiced by
Amada Masato

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