Lady Georgie - Anime MagZuNetRelated animes | Anidb id: 3652

Lady Georgie Type: TV Series Show start: 1983-04-09 Show Ended: 1984-02-25 Episodes: 45 Runtime: 25 Rating: 5.36 Tags: meta tags, shoujo, horse riding, dynamic, target audience, themes, original work, setting, elements, time
Description: An Australian farmer returns home from the woods with a baby named Georgie. The girl lives ignoring the terrible secret hidden in the golden bracelet on her hand. Her "Father" and her "brothers", Abel and Arthur, love her dearly, but her "mother" considers her an intruder and doesn`t manage to open her heart to the girl. After Father dies in an attempt to rescue Georgie, Mother starts hating the girl. Georgie grows up into a beautiful young girl, and both her "brothers" are terribly in love with her. Not knowing the truth, Georgie eventually falls in love with the handsome grandson of the British Governor. When Mother finally reveals the truth to her and condemns the girl for being an exile`s daughter, Georgie leaves for Britain in search of her real parents - and for her love, who has also left Australia. Abel and Arthur follow her and the three are thrown into the cruel world of London aristocracy, lies and intrigue. | Similar Animes | | Login to add this anime to your list. | | Main Characters more | Episode List
Ep | title | Duration | airdate | rating | 2 | Father`s Promise | 25 | 1983-04-16 | | 1 | Secret of the Bracelet | 25 | 1983-04-09 | 8.42 | 35 | Episode 35 | 25 | 1983-12-10 | | 27 | Episode 27 | 25 | 1983-10-08 | | 3 | What Happened on Lizard Island | 25 | 1983-04-23 | | 8 | Is a Friend, a Bully? | 25 | 1983-05-28 | | 36 | Episode 36 | 25 | 1983-12-17 | | 23 | His name is...Lowell | 25 | 1983-09-10 | | 13 | Abel Gets Jealous! | 25 | 1983-07-02 | | 21 | Gentle Blue Eyes | 25 | 1983-08-27 | | 39 | Episode 39 | 25 | 1984-01-14 | | 42 | Episode 42 | 25 | 1984-02-04 | | 9 | Strange Abel | 25 | 1983-06-04 | | 24 | First Kiss! | 25 | 1983-09-17 | | 32 | Episode 32 | 25 | 1983-11-19 | | 16 | Becky`s Birthday | 25 | 1983-07-23 | | 38 | Episode 38 | 25 | 1984-01-07 | | 22 | Welcome Home, Abel | 25 | 1983-09-03 | | 4 | Father, Don`t Die! | 25 | 1983-04-30 | | 30 | Episode 30 | 25 | 1983-10-29 | | 25 | Georgie`s Concealed Secret of the Past | 25 | 1983-09-24 | | 20 | Goodbye Australia | 25 | 1983-08-20 | | 43 | Episode 43 | 25 | 1984-02-11 | | 41 | Episode 41 | 25 | 1984-01-28 | | 26 | Episode 26 | 25 | 1983-10-01 | | 14 | Abel`s Determination | 25 | 1983-07-09 | | 31 | Episode 31 | 25 | 1983-11-12 | | 15 | Becky the Shrew | 25 | 1983-07-16 | | 12 | Single Room from Today | 25 | 1983-06-25 | | 29 | Episode 29 | 25 | 1983-10-22 | | 11 | An Unexpected Guest | 25 | 1983-06-18 | | 5 | Don`t Sell Our Farm... | 25 | 1983-05-07 | | 10 | Mom`s Laughter! | 25 | 1983-06-11 | | 28 | Episode 28 | 25 | 1983-10-15 | | 33 | Episode 33 | 25 | 1983-11-26 | | 40 | Episode 40 | 25 | 1984-01-21 | | 45 | Episode 45 | 25 | 1984-02-25 | | 6 | Siblings` Sweet Dreams | 25 | 1983-05-14 | | 37 | Episode 37 | 25 | 1983-12-24 | | 34 | Episode 34 | 25 | 1983-12-03 | | 44 | Episode 44 | 25 | 1984-02-18 | | 7 | The Lost Bracelet | 25 | 1983-05-21 | | 18 | Arthur`s Lie | 25 | 1983-08-06 | | 19 | Become a Designer? | 25 | 1983-08-13 | | 17 | Rapp`s Bride | 25 | 1983-07-30 | |
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