Digimon Frontier - Anime MagZuNet

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Anidb id: 464

Digimon Frontier

Type: TV Series
Show start: 2002-04-07
Show Ended: 2003-03-30
Episodes: 50
Runtime: 25
Rating: 3.80
meta tags, shounen, animal sidekick, dynamic, target audience, themes, original work, setting, elements, time


5 children receive strange messages on their cell phones that lead them to a train that takes them to the Digital World; a strange world filled with bizzare creatures called Digimon. These children have been sent there to stop an evil Digimon named Cherubimon from completely annihilating the planet of all its inhabitants. In order to accomplish this, the 5 children must locate their spirits, which will evolve them into the Legendary Warrior Digimon. Unfortunately for them Cherubimon has ordered his servants to stop the kids from finishing the mission; eventually the children will have to fight Cherubimon`s forces in order to save the planet. With five new kids and an exciting new mission in the Digi-World, Digimon Frontier brings back all the great action and adventure of the last three seasons. Takuya, Kouji, Zoe, J.P. and Tommy meet each other in a train that takes them to the Digi-World where a war against evil is being fought. The Angel digimon, Cherubimon, one of The three angels sent to save the World from the power-hungry Lucemon, has turned to the dark side and the entire Digi-World is in peril. To fight this great battle, the five chosen ones must become digimon. Something that no digidestined has done before. Source: ANN

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Main Characters more

Kanbara Takuya
Gender: male
Rating: 8.22
Voiced by
Takeuchi Junko

Minamoto Kouji
Gender: male
Rating: 8.89
Voiced by
Kamiya Hiroshi

Himi Tomoki
Gender: male
Rating: 1.85
Voiced by
Watanabe Kumiko

Orimoto Izumi
Gender: female
Voiced by
Ishige Sawa

Shibayama Junpei
Gender: male
Voiced by
Amada Masato

Kimura Kouichi
Gender: male
Voiced by
Suzumura Ken`ichi

Episode List

9Welcome to My Nightmare252002-06-02
3Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire252002-04-21
16The Swiss Family Digimon252002-07-28
19You Want Fries With That?252002-08-18
18Trailmon vs. Trailmon252002-08-11
17Bizarre Bazaar252002-08-04
15Beastie Girl252002-07-21
24Alone But Never Alone252002-09-22
23Sockit Takuya252002-09-15
22Home Again, Takuya Returns252002-09-08
21Darkest Before Duskmon252002-09-01
20From Dawn to Duskmon252002-08-25
25The Dark Heart of Friendship252002-09-29
6A Molehill Out of a Mountain252002-05-12
26Zoe`s Unbeelievable Adventure252002-10-06
27Stuck in Sakkakumon With You252002-10-13
28Darkness Before the Dawn252002-10-20
30O, Brother, Who Art Thou?252002-11-03
31Workin` on the Train Gang252002-11-10
29Phantasmagoric Sakkakumon252002-10-27
32My Brother in Spirit252002-11-17
33Ne`er the Twins Shall Meet252002-11-24
1All Aboard252002-04-07
2Lobomon: Warrior of Light252002-04-14
4Kazemon Kicks It252002-04-28
5Ladies and Gentlemen: The Beetlemon252002-05-05
7Island of Misfit Boys252002-05-19
8The Odd One Out252002-05-26
10Can`t Keep a Grumblemon Down252002-06-09
11A Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon252002-06-16
12Fear and Loathing in Los Arboles252002-06-23
13Better an Egg Than an Egg Shell252002-06-30
14No Whamon252002-07-14
34Operation: Free Ophanimon252002-12-01
35Takuya and Koji`s Evolution Revolution252002-12-08
36Ice Ice Baby252002-12-15
38It Can`t Be! Lucemon Reappears252003-01-05
39The Man in the Moon is You252003-01-12
40The Bully Pulpit252003-01-19
41Jerks and the Beanstalk252003-01-26
48The Brothers Yin and Yang252003-03-16
42Glean Eggs and Scram252003-02-02
43Bad to the Bones252003-02-09
49Lucemon on the Loose252003-03-23
50End of the Line252003-03-30
46To Make the World Go Away252003-03-02
45All Aboard the Tag Team Express252003-02-23
44Now You See It, Now You Don`t252003-02-16
47When Knights Fall...252003-03-09

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